A QUESTION TO SELF - are you happy for yourself or for others?

You dont have to answer it to anyone but only to you . Are you? Do you really know what is happiness? No , then just dont loose your life like this . Just don't. Everyone is here to live their life with all the happiness which is written in their destiny . So do you too have this precious right my dear friend . Because this world has been made for you and whenever you felt sad of yourself its just because of you infact you are responsible for all that paim you have been suffering for . I strongly feel that . Whatever the reason for you being sad must be just because of someone something ,
failures , and manymore , i am sure about it . But i would like to take this opportunity to tell you that no man you have to happy whatever the situation is just tackle it all with a big fat smile on your face with those dimply cheeks of yours . Keep that wide and everything will vanish i promise. A sadness needs a sad atmosphere to stay with you and it gets without any efforts itself because you fool you , yes! I am talking to you . You give the thing what it wants to be your life partner for your life , a regret , a guilt . And instead of giving all this shit if you come up with exactly opposite of it , i can bet you it all gets shatters in a single pinch .
So the whole motive to write this to check on you guys . Hopefully you all are good and if you are in real please do comments and leave your reason down there .
This will surely bring happiness to me because we should find it in a small things surrounds us . 
          "What's coming is better than
                              What is gone"


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